About click-tapping "current circumstances" than "memories"/"imagined outcomes"

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Free Basic PSTEC Audio Package (featuring the Click Tracks) About click-tapping "current circumstances" than "memories"/"imagined outcomes"

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  • #21604
    PSTEC User

      I just want to clarify something.

      If I give the example, “I hate my boss”, it might be easy to remember all the times that he's been mean to you, and you could tap on those memories.

      But what about something more “current circumstance” related issues? Here's an example:

      “I don't have a girlfriend. I really desire companionship and love, but I am really lonely and worried that this will continue like this. I will never get married!”, and you FEEL negative emotions.

      Could this be click-tracked? Focusing on the current circumstance? Will the subconscious, if I keep click-tracking, reveal the related memories, if any, spontaneously?

      I am sorry for asking, but I do truly appreciate your help.

      Jeff Harding
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Aloha Snowy…

        If I give the example, “I hate my boss”, it might be easy to remember all the times that he's been mean to you, and you could tap on those memories.
        Another point here is that “I hate my boss” is also a belief. So, you definitely want to approach the feelings and emotions toward your boss with the CT's and/or EEF's.  Also, you can approach the belief aspects with PP after you feel a bit more neutral, with one or more PP Statements, such as:
        “My boss is doing the best he/she can under the circumstances”
        “I will continue to do my best work no matter how my boss acts”

        Of course, those depend upon what your objective is, but I am assuming you still want to do a good job at work and want to be able to operate despite someone else's issues and behavior.  To me, this whole mind and work with our fellow humans is about us becoming more and more imperturbable.

        Alright, sorry about the tangent…

        Could this be click-tracked? Focusing on the current circumstance? Will the subconscious, if I keep click-tracking, reveal the related memories, if any, spontaneously?
        Absolutely, as you persist when you are not quite sure where to go, quite often, CT on what you do know and the subconscious will eventually reveal itself and the aspects around the issue.

        But, before you move in that direction, Here are some other suggestions as well…

        *use the Accelerators as they encourage the subconscious to reveal more.
        *Delve into the subconscious a bit deeper through questions.  Now, doing this yourself is a bit more challenging but if you persist and truly “get quiet” when you ask the questions, you might just amaze yourself.  :)

        Ask questions, for example, on your issues:

        The boss issue:
        *Why do I hate my boss?
        *What did my boss do to bother me so much?
        *Why do mean people bother me?

        You see, begin to find the cause within your mind model of why you feel this way… where did it all start… at what point did your mind conclude that you should be bothered by this.

        Make sense?

        On the girlfriend issue:

        *Why don't I have a girlfriend?
        *Why do feel so lonely?
        *Why do I think I could never get married?
        *Why do I feel stuck?

        Also, you have some beliefs in there…
        I am really lonely
        I will never get married

        Some might say, 'Well, I am lonely!  Look, no one is around me… I am lonely!'
        But, the truth is that you may be alone, but lonely is a condition of the mind… a perception … and with that perception of loneliness, you will only perpetuate being alone for one of many reasons, including that loneliness begets desperation and desperation leads to relationships that are fragile.  Make sense?

        So, there are approaches to this … Walk the path of discovery more strategically and “detached” by observing how you react and how you think and then apply Tim's Tools to the various aspects … CT's/EEF's for emotions and PP and PP Extra Power for beliefs and behaviors.

        Malama Pono!
        (take care, be Right)

        PSTEC User

          Thank you so much, Jeff. You are so kind to reply. I REALLY appreciate your answer. Thanks again for your help. Thanks also for the tip on PSTEC Positive (I have it + Extra Power), but it seems that you need to clear negative emotions around the belief first before you change it.

          One reason I asked this question was confused on if we should attempt to stay away from “current circumstance negative emotions” in favor of “memory/imagined event negative emotions”.

          This was important to me because of the following example.

          But thanks to your answer, if I understand correctly, I feel more confident that “current circumstance negative emotions” are also acceptable items for PSTEC Click Tracks. Though I will also focus on memories/imagined outcomes if I am able elicit feelings from them, and also continue working with the Accelerators and try to discover myself with strategic questions as you said.

          Made-up example:

          – I think: I am fat
          (Can identify negative feelings and also curse myself)

          – I try to recall: Memories in which I think people ignored me because I was fat
          (Cannot identify negative feelings, or they are very weak)

          – I try to imagine: People ignoring me because I am fat
          (Cannot identify negative feelings, or they are very weak)

          I may just be remembering/imagining the wrong things (or the right things but having few feelings). But it's sometimes hard to think of anything else that might be the issue.

          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            You're always welcome!

            on PSTEC Positive (I have it + Extra Power), but it seems that you need to clear negative emotions around the belief first before you change it.
            It's a good rule of thumb, but not an absolute.  Most times though, yes, at least in the moment you will be running a PP track, have your emotions at least significantly lowered.

            I feel more confident that “current circumstance negative emotions” are also acceptable items for PSTEC Click Tracks.

            I will also focus on memories/imagined outcomes
            Keep in mind not to “try so hard” to focus on one or the other.  Take and move with what comes to consciousness from the subconscious.  Just be open, observe, see what comes that is unpleasant (whether emotions, behaviors or beliefs) and then, once you have assessed something that is an “error in thinking” to your intended desire or goal of living, then address it with the appropriate PSTEC Tool.

            if I am able elicit feelings from them
            Keep in mind, when you run a CT on a memory or imagined event (past, present or future  :) ), you don't have to “feel the feeling” you only have to TRY HARD to feel it… big difference!  So, you may have a memory and you know it has an emotional rating of a “5” but you just can't feel it in the moment, that's ok.  Just TRY HARD to feel it.  Also, focus on the most upsetting aspect of the event; the person's look, tone of voice, your opinion of their behavior, etc.  What's the “ugliest” or most upsetting part?

            – I think: I am fat(Can identify negative feelings and also curse myself)
            Keep in mind, yes, you probably have emotional feelings, but you also have a belief there.

            – I try to recall: Memories in which I think people ignored me because I was fat(Cannot identify negative feelings, or they are very weak)
            Again, you only have to TRY HARD to feel them.

            And, use of the Accelerators can help greatly… be patient with yourself and be willing to look at ANYTHING in your mind model that is unpleasant… not to dwell on them or “make them real”… but to heal them.

            Aloha nui!

            PSTEC User

              You were such a great help, Jeff. As always, thank you so much.

              I really understand much better now. I sincerely give you thanks.


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