Addiction help

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  • #21865
    PSTEC User

      Hello :). I've been clicking away and am seeing progress in many areas.  One thing I'm dealing with is that I like to pop pills.  I have an injury and was prescribed tramadol and I kinda use it like to wake up in the morning or to get going and motivated when I don't want to do things like homework or whatever.  Anyway I was wondering if there was a specific way I can break this addiction.  In the past I used to abuse Vicodin that was about 10 years ago.  I got off them
      Completely but I feel like the other pills have a kind of control on me.  I saw in another post that someone worked w a client the let go of her soda addiction in 10 mins?  I was wondering if anyone could suggest some ways to go about this.  Along with fears of withdraw and things like that.  Thanks again

      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi Melissa

        Good to hear that you have been making progress with PSTEC.

        First I must say that you need to consult with your doctor about this. They will agree that you should not be taking Tramadol for any longer than you need to for a medical condition. As a synthetic opiate Tramadol is well known for it's addictive qualities, it's many harmful side effects and damage to long term health.

        Whatever happens, hang on to the thought that you got off Vicodin, you can get off Tramadol.

        Your doctor will likely suggest gradual withdrawal with decreasing dosage, possibly with substitute medication alongside. Personally I got off prescription drugs with the help of a tablet cutter going from 3/4 to 1/2 to 1/4 tablets over some weeks alongside CBT.

        Once you have commited yourself to getting off, be aware of any feelings or tendancy to procrastinate away or avoid doing what you have agreed to do.

        Give yourself some reasons to get off and devise a good reward for yourself for when you have. Just google tramadol for a lot of sobering reading and a lot of reasons to get off it.

        PSTEC can assist you with this in many ways. I will suggest some on my next post coming up soon.

        Peter Bunyan
        PSTEC User

          Hi Melissa

          First that original accident which required the prescription of Tramdol. This most likely remembered for the shock, the trauma and following pain, Click Track it.

          If you can recall any other previous accident which could be quite minor when quite young, where you did not have any support afterwards, no “I'll kiss it better from your Mother” or possibly “stop crying like a baby, it's only a scratch” from your Father, stuff like that, again Click Track it.

          Unlike Soda addiction you might get more serious withdrawal symptoms. You are aware of this I am sure and possibly afraid of it. Imagine going through the hell of this in the near future and Click Track this imagined trial.

          Don't know what other PSTEC packages you might have, if you have PSTEC Negative then you could run with statements like “I won't be able to get off Tramadol” or any other negative things going through your mind. Removing negative beliefs.

          With PSTEC Positive you would be looking at statements like ” I will be able to get off Tramadol quickly and easily”. Creating new positive beliefs.

          If you have all of them you can use them one after the other in sequence CT>Negative>Positive. Takes about an hour and requires some planning ahead of statements. If nothing else use the Click Tracks as suggested above.


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