Affirmation for adjusting to the night shift

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Affirmation for adjusting to the night shift

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  • #21866
    PSTEC User

      Hi all I am a new nurse and am working my dream job In the emergency department.  However,  it is a 7pm-7am shift I love it but my body isn't adjusting well to the noc shift I feel very exausted a lot of time. Any suggestions?  I was thinking maybe Pstec positive
      I easily adjust to the night shift

      I also lack confidence as a new nurse any suggestions

      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi Melissa

        PSTEC Positive with that or ” I will go to sleep tonight quickly and easily”

        Any new job can be stressful to start with and you are in a stressful job. Be aware of any feeling of needing to take something to get through the day or unwind after a shift. In your case any tablet at all even herbal remedies and of course alcohol. In the ED you are likely to come across the results of substance and alcohol abuse, keep that in mind if you feel tempted.

        Click Track an imagined future scenario where things go wrong due to your inexperience, error or being exhausted, that is anything your fault. If things have gone badly on your shift even if not your fault, Click Track that as soon as you can or when you get home, so that recent events do not build up to more stress.

        Please let us know how you get on with this “Clicking” and get back to us soon.

        I found it takes 3 to 5 days to get used to a shift even with getting some sleep. Your body clock is wired for sleeping at night and being awake daytime, the circadian rhythm. However I know one agency nurse who only takes on nights, she likes it. You will adapt given time.


        Sally Baker
        PSTEC User

          Click tracking with PSTEC Positive is certainly the way to go but I would change the affirmation.

          I'm not so keen on affirmations as sometimes the affirming statement sets up opposition with the sub-conscious so I prefer 'Afformations'. This different approach was created by Noah St John. He poses Afformations as questions so using his paradigm your phrase would be' Why is it so easy for me to sleep soundly and deeply?' or words to that effect. This way the sub-conscious goes on a mission to find the answer for you. He's written a couple of small books that are out of print but can still be found. I've used Afformations for years with EFT and they work great with PSTEC positive tracks too.

          Peter Bunyan
          PSTEC User

            Sally and all

            “The Book of Afformations” available from Amazon in various formats or more info at I'll get a copy for myself. Thankyou Sally

            Sally Baker
            PSTEC User

              That's great. I had some contact with Noah St John a few years ago. He's quite a character. I'm sure his approach would work brilliantly with PSTEC Positive.

              PSTEC User

                Hi thanks for all the responses ;).  I also looked up Noah St. John and found that really great.  So I usually sleep really well the issue is more like how I feel when I am awake.    I feel sluggish out of sorts not sharp or energized and a lot of my days off I spend sleeping extra to make up for the weird schedule.  I also find myself making really bad food choices at the end of a shift. And during the middle of the night it's like I have 0 will power and when the cravings hit I just rush to get a doughnut or two a candy bar or a McDonald's I haven't eaten these things in years and now feel stuck in this habit and feeling of out of control.  I have tried click tracking and tapping for cravings I end up eating it anyway
                I own the pstec food cravings one the weightloss tracks and the sally baker weightloss program I have tried eft too but with no luck.  I'm starting to gain weight and that scares me.  Any ideas on how to approach this.  I hope it's in the right area.  I will post in weightloss ar a too but I believe these are caused by the night shift and stress of ed work

                Sally Baker
                PSTEC User

                  Hello Melissa glad to hear you found Afformations helpful. Sounds as though you're compensating for your tough schedule with emotional eating including cravings of sugary or salty foods. Me and my colleague Liz Hogon, also a Pstec Master Practitioner wrote 7 Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating a self help book published by Hammersmith Books London available from Amazon that shows how to use EFT, Pstec and hypnosis to resolve these issues. Disordered eating requires a thorough response as we all need to eat and it's about developing a healthier relationship with food. When working with drugs or alcohol the desired outcome would probably be cessation of any consumption but with food that's simply not an option.

                  If you're using the food cravings track and still eating the junk food then you've more work to do in clearing the emotions that drive you to eat. Explore the self sabotaging behaviour. We think of it as layers of an onion and you unfurl and explore, letting go and resolving old patterns of behaviour. I'd like you to be able to support yourself with the best nutrition too and that means adding into your schedule some time to prep good you can have to hand while you're working. Sounds like a big ask when your exhausted and feeling stuck but treat yourself with kindness and take it one meal at a time. I think there's other stuff going on here such as your reward system and issues around self deserving which can all be reassessed and changed for more positive, life affirming choices. Take care of you Melissa is the main thing. Best regards Sally

                  Tomas Zobal
                  PSTEC User

                    This is an interesting idea, Sally…. to use afformations with PSTEC positive. I've read about them a few years ago. I assume they could serve as a first step, just like “it is possible…” as we work our way to “I am…”. Since afformations are questions, there might be less resistance from our subconscious as we are trying to install new beliefs.

                    Good luck with everything, Melissa.

                    Sally Baker
                    PSTEC User

                      'Why is it so easy for me to feel positive and achieve what I want' or your words to that effect. Sally

                      Brian Tucker
                      PSTEC User

                        Click tracking with PSTEC Positive is certainly the way to go but I would change the affirmation.

                        I'm not so keen on affirmations as sometimes the affirming statement sets up opposition with the sub-conscious so I prefer 'Afformations'. This different approach was created by Noah St John. He poses Afformations as questions so using his paradigm your phrase would be' Why is it so easy for me to sleep soundly and deeply?' or words to that effect. This way the sub-conscious goes on a mission to find the answer for you. He's written a couple of small books that are out of print but can still be found. I've used Afformations for years with EFT and they work great with PSTEC positive tracks too.

                        Hi Sally –

                        I have posted some questions re: your use of affOrmations here:

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