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  • #21501

      Hi love it hear!!! Thank you for PSTEC…having huge blushing and social anxiety issues for years and have had past agrophobia….what are the best products to get?


      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Have you used/downloaded the Free Basic Click Tracks yet? This is the starting point for all the other products and we recommend their use before anything else. You can get this FREE package from the main site or here. Once you have gained some benefit and confidence from those, then think about the Level 1 package and the Accelerators package. All the PSTEC packages are designed to complement each other but these three are considered to be the core essentials. You can continue to post any questions on this Forum, however if you really cannot get on on with the self-help route then the list of registered therapists is here. Many work by phone or skype so travelling is not required.
        Hope this answers your question


          Thank you Peter…I have listened for weeks off and on and had some success, thats why I know this works, I bought the blushing  product last night but I dont know what Tim means by using the positive sayings …how? I believe  this tape is not for me now…. I will do what you suggest and buy the other products…  :-[ ;D  thank you for the quick response

          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            The Positive Statements are used with PSTEC Positive Tracks that are a part of the
            PSTEC Positive Package which is available separately…

            …or as a part of the Level 1 Package…

            I recommend the Level 1 Package because it also includes the two EEF Tracks (extra
            strong Click Tracks) and the therapist tutorial which is excellent for self helpers
            as well… let’s be honest, right now, you are being your own therapist, right?  :- )
            This is the greatest value at $37.

            When emotions are lower when you think of the issues… the memories… approach the beliefs as Tim instructs in the Blushing tutorial with PSTEC Positive.


              thank you Jeff :)

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