Confusion about emotions

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  • #21505
    v k
    PSTEC User

      If I'm feeling a certain emotion all the time (or quite regularly), for example sadness or anxiety, are those the emotions that I'm “feeling or trying to feel” i.e the ones that need to be worked on, or are these emotions the cause of other emotions that need working on.

      For example, right at this very moment I feel a deep sadness/hurt – the type of hurt/sadness where you're on the verge of crying (or in my case trying to let it all out and cry but finding it impossible to do so) – is this the emotion I should be working on? I am not seeing/remembering any memories, and I don't know what exactly is causing this emotion.

      I guess what I'm asking is do I hold onto this emotion and try to find the associated memories or are the emotions I'm feeling not the “right” emotions. I also get the impression that all my emotions are “under the surface”, so to speak. Like they are buried. So if I can feel them under the surface, but not actually be feeling the emotion itself (like blubbering/crying etc) is this good enough?

      Also, in the same vein, when I am out and about and I'm feeling socially anxious, is the anxiety im feeling in those moments the emotion I should be working on (trying to find/associate memories with) or is this the cause of emotions yet unfelt/undiscovered that I should actually be working on?

      Thanks in advance.

      PSTEC User

        Hi TH,
          Whatever emotion you are feeling at the time, is the one to work on. Don't worry about finding buried emotions, (they'll come out eventually to be healed). I've found this isn't a “one shot deal”.  It's very empowering. Since people are very complex, there are a lot of negative emotions to work on, one at a time.I like starting with the most intense, because it seems to “clear” faster. Hooray. If you can't remember an incident, make one up. The subconscious can't tell the difference. It will still decrease the feeling. Good Luck and Good Clicking.

        PSTEC User

          In a sense, you're thinking too hard. If it feels negative then it's a valid target for the click tracks. Any feeling or emotion that is negative you can click on no matter how small and no matter if it is related to other feelings and emotions. Even if an emotion is caused by other emotions, you can click track both.

          When you go through the process, your subconcious will tell you any related emotions. You might get lucky and find that you clear your issues quite quickly, but you might find over time a lot of issues coming up so it would take a bit longer to clear everything.

          In terms of social anxiety, you can click track the memories of times you were feeling anxious in a social situation. Or you can imagine going out where there are people and the nervousness and hesitation you feel you can click track that.

          A lot of our issues are multifaceted. If something bad happened to you, you could feel multiple emotions. If someone shouted at you for example you may feel:
          Anger: How dare this person shout at me
          Disappointment: The person should have been nice not mean
          Sadness: I don't like it when people shout at me
          Fear: It's scary when someone shouts at me
          Shame: Why didn't I stand up to this person.
          And more.

          Some of these emotions may be strong and others weak. There may be other  related issues and reasons why you feel these and how they affect you.

          You can work on emotions without memories, but the process is more effective when the emotion is linked to a memory. If you want to speed up the process of getting to the deeper issues some options include:
          1) Pay money to speak to a trained professional on the pstec register(if you do have money this is the best way to spend it).
          2) Try moodgym.

          This is a site that offers self help cognitive behavioural therapy. It give you exercises to do that will help you learn about yourself.
          3) Post more detail about your issues on the forum and hope someone can help.

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