Correct use(s) of free basic click tracks

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Correct use(s) of free basic click tracks

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  • #21774
    PSTEC User

      Hi I have a question about how to effectively use the free click tracks. My main issue is that I have a number of broad negative beliefs that cause extreme fear and anxiety. Two examples are “the external has no meaning” and “I have no choice”. There are many ideas and beliefs I have that re-enforce these.
      The free click tracks suggest that I need to link strong negative emotions to an outside external event real or imagined. In this case outside events connected to these beliefs do not exist. They are beliefs that cause extreme negative emotion in and of themselves. They cause me to shut down and turn off from the world but they don't involve one specific external event, if any at all.
      I've been using PSTEC negative and positive and they suggest the click track is used initially to decrease the intensity of the emotion.
      My question is – are the free click tracks still effective in helping me if there is no external event involved?

      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi Spaceman

        Yes the Click Tracks can still help. Those beliefs were created by negative feelings, you just cannot recall the event. This may be you were very young or it was a trivial event event wise but not feeling wise. There are a number of possibilities.
        As long as you can reproduce those unwanted feelings perhaps by repeating those beliefs while running the Click Track then the CTs will work for you. It is possible after using the Click Tracks the original event will surface again. PSTEC Negative and Positive will be more effective for removing or at least reducing  the emotions first.

        Please let me know how you get on and get back to us if you have any more questions.

        PSTEC User

          Thanks Peter.

          I have a couple of other questions you may be able to help me with. Do the click tracks actually release the negative emotions? If they only remove the negative emotions for particular beliefs, situations, wont they just arise again at a later date?

          Peter Bunyan
          PSTEC User

            Ho Spaceman

            Quick answer! Yes PSTEC Click Tracks permanently remove emotions from memories. However it may take multiple play throughs. But once gone they are gone.

            In your case my suggestion for you is this:

            Click track a belief with emotions you wish to remove. If you cannot recall an originating event, just hang on the the emotion while running the Click Track.
            Follow that straight away by Running PSTEC Negative with that belief. At the start of PSTEC Neg you are asked to think of some Counter Statements to the Belief. Use one of these as a Positive statement and run it with PSTEC Positive again right after the Negative. Allow an hour or so and some recovery time afterwards. Also get prepared in advance with your statements and beliefs so that there is not much of a break between the sections. So pencil and paper first.

            Bear in mind this might have to be repeated for each negative belief. Also that it is possible that the original event might “come back” to you at some point.

            As ever please let us know how you get on.

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