Falling asleep

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  • #22127
    Tomas Zobal
    PSTEC User

      I wanted to ask if any of you guys experienced something similar.

      Pretty much every time I start listening to the tracks, both tapping (CT, EEF, 2015, accelerator) and non tapping (BB, accelerator) I start either falling asleep very soon, yawning or just feeling very tired/sleepy and have to fight to stay awake and focused on the track. This happens even if I listen in the morning when I'm not tired at all.

      Could it be that it's my subconscious mind resisting the change and trying its best to prevent me from installing new beliefs and from breaking up my old model of reality?

      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi Tomas,

        Thank you for your post and question.

        Some people do feel very tired when doing the tracks. This is because your mind is doing a lot of work. It is good that you are making the conscious effort.

        Other people feel lighter and more energised, as they clear unwanted and “heavy” emotions.

        The tiredness could be a sign of resistance, or it could just be that the conscious effort is tiring for you. It could also be that you anticipate difficulty and react in accordance with that expectation.

        Do you also experience this when running Quantum Turbo or PSTEC Positive?

        Even if you do, it would be worth layering in some suggestions with these non-tapping tracks about doing the other tracks. For example:

        “From now on, I am now completely alert when using the PSTEC tools”

        “I use PSTEC to resolve my problems, because it makes absolute sense”

        “It is absolutely safe to feel better about myself now”

        “Even if I feel tired, the work is worth it”

        Please let us know if you're able to do that and, if you do layer in the suggestions, please report on the results you achieve.

        All the best,


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

        Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

        Skype, Zoom, in-person & phone sessions available…

        Brian Tucker
        PSTEC User

          Here's a few more to add to Paul's list. I'm borrowing from a few he posted previously elsewhere – giving full credit of course! :) Thank you, Paul!

          I'm completely switched on now while I'm doing the work now
          I'm full of energy now whenever I do the work now
          PSTEC makes me feel wide awake as I do it now

          Tomas Zobal
          PSTEC User

            Thank you for the suggestions guys…

            Paul, I haven't been running Quantum Turbo or PSTEC Positive lately. I have been mostly focusing on Belief Blasters with some CT/EEF/2015 tracks thrown in here and there.

            I'm gonna follow your advice and layer in these statements. I assume it would be best to use PQT?

            Brian Tucker
            PSTEC User

              Thank you for the suggestions guys…

              Paul, I haven't been running Quantum Turbo or PSTEC Positive lately. I have been mostly focusing on Belief Blasters with some CT/EEF/2015 tracks thrown in here and there.

              I'm gonna follow your advice and layer in these statements. I assume it would be best to use PQT?

              PQT is WAY powerful, however…I do use the other positive tracks from time to time (they still absolutely work wonders) because I really like the ability to imagine and feel a different outcome for a specific problem.

              e.g. “It's absolutely safe to completely let go of my feelings about/for _____ now” so for instance a bully incident. I can imagine the bully apologizing me, I accept and forgive them, we are now friends, we go ride bikes together, play basketball together and laugh about it. Then usually about 2-3 days later I notice here come all the bad feelings (once the suggestion really sets in) and I just CT them away. Often times it's upset, hurt or grief. Problem gone.


              Tomas Zobal
              PSTEC User

                Hi Brian,

                thank you for you post. Just to clarify, in the bully incident example, would you use PSTEC Positive or PQT?

                Brian Tucker
                PSTEC User

                  Hi Brian,

                  thank you for you post. Just to clarify, in the bully incident example, would you use PSTEC Positive or PQT?

                  The bullying example I gave is for Positive/Positive Extra Power however, it also works with PQT.

                  Same would go for “I'm always absolutely wide awake anytime I do PSTEC now”

                  You could use PP/EP and just imagine all of this feeling really pumped up and energetic, wide awake, full of energy.

                  Tomas Zobal
                  PSTEC User

                    Thank you, Brian..

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