Fear of Checking Email

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  • #21301
    Jeff Harding
    PSTEC User

      Hi Everyone,

      Here's another example of how I'm making use of the free Basic Click Tracks –

      I noticed I was having a lot of fear and apprehension when checking my emails, as I'd been getting notices from various parties with threats and reminding me of unpleasant situations.

      I began playing the free Click Track #1 on the feelings that came up as I thought about opening my email up, and keep tapping for a few rounds until I no longer had any feelings of panic coming up at the thought of just opening the email program up.

      Once I could open the email without feeling any panic and feeling I was just observing and staying in neutral, I noticed that I was fine with what appeared on the screen that initially appeared, but I would feel fear and panic when I considered scrolling down to see what additional notices and threats further down may be waiting for me. So I began tapping on the feelings that came up when I considered scrolling down to see what other mail there might be.

      After a number of rounds, I found I could think about it without feelings of panic coming up.

      I went through this process over the course of the next three days or so, whenever a thought of panic came up when I thought of opening or scrolling through the email, although I noticed immediately after that first session, any feelings that did come up over the next few days were like on a scale of 10 only a 2 or 3, if even that, while originally the panic was just off the scale. I simply went through the process on the following days, cause well, why not…? getting the charge down to a 0 or 1 at the most makes for a far more enjoyable experience, and allows me to be able to use all that energy that has been freed up to concentrate and focus on other things that I need to and allow me to be far more productive. and for such a simple exercise, that was a tremendous amount of inner energy and peace there to be regained.

      Hope you find this information useful and just one more way you can use the Click Tracks…

      Happy Click Tracking…!

      [color=rgb(51, 102, 255)]http://www.liftoffcoaching.com[/color]

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