fears and phrasing

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters fears and phrasing

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  • #21960
    Sindee Lee Gillespie
    PSTEC User

      Hello All –

      While I know the idea is also to get “under” the fear (as in, why would something be causing the fear?) I'm wondering if a simple “I've been afraid of _____” is effective and a good place to start? Or even, “I've been worried that _____”

      I haven't seen any 'set up' phrase like that, just a lot of “I couldn't have been” and “I haven't been” etc. type statements.

      Curious as always…lol

      Thank you!

      With appreciation,


      Brian Tucker
      PSTEC User

        Hello All –

        While I know the idea is also to get “under” the fear (as in, why would something be causing the fear?) I'm wondering if a simple “I've been afraid of _____” is effective and a good place to start? Or even, “I've been worried that _____”

        I haven't seen any 'set up' phrase like that, just a lot of “I couldn't have been” and “I haven't been” etc. type statements.

        Curious as always…lol

        Thank you!

        With appreciation,


        I have done that with the 18 minute track but it's optimal to get straight to the core belief…

        I've been worried that _____ I would get in trouble

        BE DIRECT:
        I've been in trouble
        I would have been in trouble

        On these two beliefs, you might even take it another layer down…why were you worried? Because… e.g It wasn't ok to make mistakes. “It hasn't been ok to make mistakes” “Mistakes have been bad”

        Again here another great example of how PSTEC practitioners https://www.pstecregister.com/ can help you really get focused on belief statements to remove and help you get to the core beliefs that you can't see yourself.

        Paul McCabe
        PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

          Hi SLG,

          What Brian wrote sums it up. Also ask:

          – What would I or someone else have to believe about themselves or that situation to feel worried?

          I personally would not recommend arguing with your feeling. You felt what you would describe as worry. You can still CT the worry from the people, events or situations which seemed to cause the feeling.

          To give an example:

          Let's say you had a feeling of worry of someone mocking you.

          You could CT all those events or imagined outcomes as close to a 0 rating as possible.

          You could also use the question above and may come up with beliefs like “People are out to hurt me”, “I am not acceptable”, “Life is cruel” and lots of other beliefs that could be blasted away.

          This is just an example, of course, but hopefully it makes the premise a bit more clear.

          Please let us know how you get on.

          Paul  ;)

          Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


          Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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          Sindee Lee Gillespie
          PSTEC User

            Thank you both very much!

            I ran the 18 minute track which was very effective because along the way I “remembered” something that made the so called fear something I was able to say “well that's just silly”. I'm guessing it wasn't that complicated or 'deep' or without too many other layers/supporting beliefs around it that it shifted that quickly. YAY Belief Blasters…lol

            with appreciation,


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