Hate the taste of noopept

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  • #21823
    PSTEC User

      Hi guys,

      I take this supplement called Noopept for my brain health, it helps me with motivation. Basically it tastes horrible, to me, like a really dark beer that is too dark and the taste kinda lingers. I take it sublingually for maximum effectiveness (there are blood vessels and lymph nodes under the tongue and to me, it makes sense to take that way as it can get right to the brain where it does its work.) The capsules are 8x as expensive as taking the powder. So what can I do to get rid of the dislike I have for this taste? It's a very small amount that I need to take so I can't see myself making my own capsules, the measurement is a pain in the rear and I would probably spill over half the substance just trying. And I'd like to be able to take it 2-3x per day. Thank you

      Brian Tucker
      PSTEC User

        Step 1 – Start looking for what are the emotions and beliefs that are causing you to be “not motivated” aka procrastination and remove them. Then install new positive beliefs that will motivate you.

        Step 2 – Then stop taking this stuff because you when you find the negative that is blocking you and clear it, you will no longer need it.

        PSTEC User

          Ok. After a bit of introspecting, I did a Pstec Negative on “life is pointless” and a bunch of negative feelings are coming up, I will do the basic click track on them. That might be enough for today, but, tomorrow I will do a Pstec Positive “My life is full of purpose” and I think that I feel that chores are daunting because when I was raised, the house was always a mess and so even though I live in a studio apartment now, which is much smaller and I keep a cleaner place than my mom did, the feeling that “Chores are daunting” still comes up.

          Brian Tucker
          PSTEC User

            It is always a program and always “what is it within me”

            I also ran across this post today I am exploring.


            Peter Bunyan
            PSTEC User

              Hi Bodycodehealer

              To learn to love the taste of something you hate the flavor of is probably not required. If you can learn to make it OK then over time you will find you won't worry about the flavor anymore.

              My suggestion is to recall the taste and flavor you dislike and run a Click Track trying to think of how disgusting it is. Rate the flavor 0-10 before and after. If it reminds you of something else you dislike, dark beer say then Click Track that first, then again on the actual flavor.

              Let us know if it works.

              PSTEC User

                Ok Peter, that completely worked. It's not an issue for me to take the powder despite the taste, it's just not something that leaps out at me or that I focus on any more. Thanks

                Peter Bunyan
                PSTEC User

                  Hi bodycode

                  Great to hear! Have you considered that you could use PSTEC to increase motivation and save yourself the cost of the noopept? If noopept has chemical x in it and scientists have shown that highly motivated people have lots of x and people with low motivation have little x then they are right. However if you find ways to get motivated without x then your body will find ways to produce more x to match your motivation. If you could not get inspired to get up and go to work but you got an offer to do another job which you really want to do at 50 times your current salary, would you suddenly find the motivation without any noopept?  ;D


                  PSTEC User

                    Hi Peter,

                    I am certainly open to the idea that it's just a belief and yet I'm not convinced that it's that simple. Here's why- I had migraines 2 times a week for about 10 years, this may have caused some sort of brain damage all that trauma adding up. Increasing BDNF and NGF could only be a good thing. I notice that when I am on noopept my enjoyment of music goes up. Also this is very personal but I feel I can bring it up because I trust you guys so much, I was part of a religious cult (Mormonism) from the age of 12 to 28 and I really believed it was true, during that time I served a mormon mission which involved lots of mind control, and during that time my reading speed plummeted. I still read faster than most people but there was a definite decline in my intelligence during high school and especially after the mission when it came to academic things. I also noticed that it became increasingly difficult to enjoy things I once enjoyed like my favorite ska music. I don't have migraines any more but, I am interested in optimal functioning. Doing chores brings up negative memories of my house growing up- My mother always (there I go using over-generalizations but I swear it is true!) Kept the house messy or at least that is my predominant memory so whenever I think of doing laundry or whatnot I think of it as endless. We never got ahead & didn't have company over, I think the messiness was a big part of it. Mother liked to complain about bureacracy in her job as a schoolteacher and Dad was always trying to get away with paying as little taxes as possible (like it's a big deal, taxes. For some people taxes are no big deal.) So I think I have beliefs which make it hard for me to get licensed in a new state and etc. Mormonism has a belief that you are trying to be perfect in this life, or at least you should be perfect in keeping the Mormon commandments of no sex outside marriage, no drugs or alcohol, dress a certain way. Its quite ridiculous. So I took out a belief “I desire perfection” with the PSTEC negative and it made me feel much calmer, anxiety went down big time, it made me not feel like I have to take CBD Oil any more, basically I already feel like I am on it most of the time. Now which belief affects my motivation with the noopept I am not sure.

                    Just so ya know I don't put my faith in science, I put my faith in myself and in common sense. Science is a religious cult. The scientists are the priests of the cult and they use their own language to describe things, and then we take their word for it (on “faith”). They are many times politically motivated in what they research, not motivated by the common good.

                    Peter Bunyan
                    PSTEC User

                      Hi bodycode

                      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Think of a belief as more than a name like anger or even a sentence “I hate the flavor of noopept” far bigger than those. Think of your life growing up with your parents and their negative behaviors as one big belief. It happened and you cannot change that but that it still has to affect you now is absolutely changeable. You do not have to be a victim of your past, it is past! So your intelligence declined when you were younger, it can increase now. You want to function optimally. Well if the past can affect you still, then so can your future. If you can imagine and desire it to happen then it will. So imagine yourself as you want to be in the near future, imagine how good it would be to function as you would like, how great it would feel, and do it often. This is made more effective by Click Tracking any negative feeling towards your parents for the life you lived then and  any negative feeling towards the Mormons for controlling your mind. With PSTEC Negative create a statement along the lines of “those migraines damaged my brain when I was young” and run that followed by PSTEC Positive with things like ” I have plenty of motivation” “I can read as fast as I could when young” “My enjoyment of music increases every time I hear some”. Listen to “Wealth of Abundance” a number of days in a row.

                      Keep us posted with your progress.

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