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  • #21355
    Jeff Harding
    PSTEC User

      I do have quite a bit of negative feelings surrounding money that seems to have stopped me from my goals. I can't pin it onto any one thing except that while my father was successful, he was an alcoholic and “loose” with money. I've done the Click Track on this — my fear of being successful because I might lose it all, I might be irresponsible, I might lose my way to the world, etc. I would like to now input a positive affirmation statement.

      This is what I've come up with and am not sure whether it's too long or not. This is what my heart's desire is:

      “I choose to live 100% committed to wealth and total financial freedom in money; to ease, and joy and abundance surrounding money, for my highest good and the good of others.”

      Can you give me your thoughts?

      Thanks in advance!


      Jeff Harding
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Ok, take that target, first of all, and look at your desirability.

        Be sure it's in harmony with yourself by testing to see if your desirability
        for this target is a “10” on a scale of 0 – 10 where “10” is absolute desire.
        I don't mean believability that you “can” do it, but desire for it.
        If it's not a “10,” how can you change it to make it a “10?”

        “I choose to live **** 100% committed to wealth and total financial freedom in money; **** to ease, and joy and abundance surrounding money, **** for my highest good and the good of others”

        Now, it's fairly individual although general, but that's ok. I don't see a need to “split it up.”

        Down below are a couple suggestions, but they are merely that, so see if they resonate a bit higher than the words you used.

        You see, when we change the words, sometimes we find the vibration is a bit higher for us. So, take your time and feel the vibration as best you can and see if you can “amp it up.”

        I split up the sentence into four parts…take each one separately and see how they “feel” on their own…can you change them at all to raise the vibration even further?

        • “I am living” instead of “I choose to live”… both are good.* How does “being committed feel?” any bad vibes on that?
        • “…total financial freedom in and around money;”
        • Good job on the insurance statement at the end!
        • [/list]When you feel that it is all true, feel the feeling that that statement gives you… the feeling that you feel when you think about BEing that. What is the feeling… attach that feeling to the statement when you run the Positive Track.

          Again, this is a bit general to also be aware of the specific ideas, thoughts, desires, inspiration that are a sub aspect of that general perception or thought. Then, when it comes up, take that do the same thing. You are beginning to build
          a new pattern of thought and a new Model of Reality for you! Cool, yah?

          Also, get into the 2-Step, which is get quiet and allow the inspiration to come forth as to what actions to take and begin the actions because that will further begin ingraining these ideas and ways of BEing for you.



        Juan David Vieco
        PSTEC User

          Hi Jeff,

          I have question:  as long as I do not recall in my memories something that I can work on with the CT, is it possible to start with the positive CT with some affirmation and feel what it awakes on me?  :-


          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Ah, yes, a very common PSTEC strategy.

            In fact, right along the lines with what I tell my private clients…

            The goal/target/desire is not important… EXCEPT for one reason… that is as we move in the direction of the goal/target/desire it exposes our perceived barriers and limitations and that means it's an opportunity to clear something else up!!

            Here's the deal with the subconscious… I'm sure you have experienced this…

            When you attempt to do something that you consciously desire and there is an issue in the subconscious that is contrary to that desire, your sub will let you know with emotions or thoughts and sometimes you even prompt you to take actions that are contrary while you later are wondering what the heck happened?

            Been there, done that?

            So, yes, establish a Positive Statement (PS) and use it with PSTEC Positive (PP) and if it is contrary, the sub will let you know.

            Some tips along that line…

            • Be sure your PS is something simple and short term so you can test it soon.
            • Establish your goal that includes some physical action you must take in the short term because if you are only “in your mind,” the sub can find ways to avoid that which seem much more subtle.
            • Be sure you spend some quiet time with this PS and just be aware… watch for ANYTHING that is contrary… a vision, image, mind movie, emotion, feeling, thought, belief, behavior… when they come, DO NOT judge, define or call it not relevant… take anything that comes up that is non-JEEP and clear it up.
            • Once you clear up an emotional issue, go back to your PS with PP and run it again and then get ready to take action.
            • If you make use of the Accelerators, they will encourage more recall of memories and emotions so you can better target your PSTEC work.
            • [/list]Keep up the good work and great awareness on the use of PSTEC!!!



            Juan David Vieco
            PSTEC User

              Thank you so much Jeff, great advice and tips.

              Have a great PSTEC day!

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