Problems trying to focus in an state of mind rather than an event

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Problems trying to focus in an state of mind rather than an event

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    James Joyce
    PSTEC User

      I have had success with pstec in things like overcoming a light vertigo, very specific stuff easy to focus in while doing the click tracks, but I have problems with a big state of mind change that I am suffering gradually.
      I have become totally disconnected with the world and people, couldn't-care-less attitude, nothing interest and enthusiast me, I am not sad or happy, just neutral, I have no passion about my hobbies and interests anymore, I don't seek for love, social interaction, friends, its just that I don't care about everything.
      I want to use pstec to solve this problem, but I don't know in which to focus in that because is not very specific event or emotion, it is a whole.

      Jeff Harding
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi sjames… Ah, the answer is within your question.  ;)

        Specific is easier when it comes to shifting your mind model.  When you attempt to make wide sweeping changes, it becomes more difficult and sometimes impossible because our minds resist change in the first place.

        Two points…

        1. Take the “big state of mind change” you wish to make and “chunk it down a bit.”

        So, with your statement of the issue:

        “I have become totally disconnected with the world and people, couldn't-care-less attitude, nothing interest and enthusiast me, I am not sad or happy, just neutral, I have no passion about my hobbies and interests anymore, I don't seek for love, social interaction, friends, its just that I don't care about everything.”

        How are you disconnected with people?
        What is the evidence … What is an example?
        Is there someone you are disconnected with that you wish to reconnect with?

        Narrow this down a bit for a start.

        Let's say you are disconnected with a sibling and you wish to reconnect.
        You begin to shift your mind model toward reconnecting with that person, but first find out within your mind why you are disconnected … ask…

        Why am I disconnected from ______________
        What's the advantage to being disconnected?
        Why don't you care about it?

        You may have to delve a bit to find the emotional issues at hand and use the CT's to neutralize the unpleasant emotions regarding connection with that person.

        2. I mentioned emotions above and using the CT's… yes, absolutely.
        But, also you must address the beliefs.

        I have become totally disconnected with the world
        I have become totally disconnected with people
        I couldn't-care-less [about the world or people]
        Nothing interests me
        I am neutral
        I have no passion about my hobbies and interests anymore
        I don't seek for love
        I don't seek social interaction
        I don't seek or make friends
        I don't care about everything

        These are all beliefs and the use of PSTEC Positive will also become your tool of choice when you are ready to shift those.

        Again, as I mentioned in #1 above, segment this a bit and take one at a time.

        Ask similar questions and delve a bit, such as:

        Why do I not seek for love?
        What's wrong with love?
        What's the disadvantage of looking for or expecting love?

        You see?

        There is a reason for the feelings and beliefs around this.  Discover those and apply the PSTEC Tools that are appropriate.

        Just remember to address beliefs but you MUST do that with PSTEC Positive!!

        When you shift an overall mind model as you have described, it's a bit more complex.  The web that your mind has woven is interconnected and there are various emotional experiences (memories and imagined events) along with beliefs and behaviors that support staying and living in that mind model.

        So, you deconstruct the old one and either let a new, more freeing one take affect and also make suggestions in the direction you desire to live.


        Jill Speed
        PSTEC User

          Hi Jeff,
          Sorry for just diving off and jumping in this thread, but I'm having a problem with understanding how to pstec positive. As in how to go about it. I've listened to Tim's steps and I seem to just zone out and don't connect the dots. Unlike using pstec for yucky feelings or situations, I can get into it and get it resolved surprisingly quickly (love it!)

          In part 2 above you mentioned

          “2. I mentioned emotions above and using the CT's… yes, absolutely.
          But, also you must address the beliefs.

          I have become totally disconnected with the world
          I have become totally disconnected with people
          I couldn't-care-less [about the world or people]
          Nothing interests me
          I am neutral
          I have no passion about my hobbies and interests anymore
          I don't seek for love
          I don't seek social interaction
          I don't seek or make friends
          I don't care about everything

          These are all beliefs and the use of PSTEC Positive will also become your tool of choice when you are ready to shift those.”

          How does one use pp for anyone of the above belief statements specifically? That's where I'm having trouble connecting the dots and moving forward.

          Thanks for your brilliant insight :-)

          Jeff Harding
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi Gillian… those beliefs I listed are limiting beliefs, correct?

            With PSTEC Positive (PP) and PP Extra Power; you take a limiting belief (meaning a belief that states the opposite of your desire or intention) and you craft a belief or statement, basically, the opposite of that belief, or, a statement that conveys/suggests to the subconscious what you truly wish or desire.  You are making these suggestions to the subconscious so that your conscious intention and subconscious “program” are in sync… are harmonious… or at least more harmonious … and then you will find yourself struggling less… or not at all.

            For example… Let's take this one from the above post…

            “I don't seek or make friends”

            You would craft something like this to use with PP…

            “I love to easily make friends”
            “When I meet new people I am comfortable and at ease”
            “when I meet new people I start conversations easily”

            You see?

            You may use one sentence or even more than one to convey the thoughts or beliefs… it just depends upon how strong the limiting belief is, your individual mind model makeup and also the complexity of the desire.



            Jill Speed
            PSTEC User

              Hi Jeff
              Very helpful! I was making it harder than it had to be :-)
              I'm going to go work on some of own limiting beliefs right now.
              Thank you for your clear insights and clarifying it. The more I read the forum and your answers, your insights are fantastic and so very helpful.

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