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  • #21514
    PSTEC User

        Just downloaded the free PsTec package. Look's really interesting. Has anybody had any success using this with the problem of stuttering. I have periods of fluency, but there is a background unease that my speech could break down at any time. There is a great deal of anticipatory fear before I speak, no doubt prompted by previous experience. Any suggestions or advise would be much appreciated.



      Peter Bunyan
      PSTEC User

        Hi Nick
        Before you do anything much, have you listened to some of these success stories here and testimonials here this to reassure you that PSTEC can help you as it has helped many others for many issues.

        Listen to the instructions in the package first.
        Find a time and place where you feel comfortable and unlikely to be interrupted for say 20 minutes. Maybe switch off your mobile unless you are using it as your mp3 player.
        Now using your past experience as a guide imagine a future situation the absolute worst case scenario, may be having to give a presentation or a speech. Some thing that would definitely bring on the fears and following stutter. These fears are what you want to focus on. Now run the Click Track one or two doesn't matter which. But please do give the the fear a rating when asked to by Tim on the track. Do not think too much about it just the first number that comes into your head, and follow the simple instructions given and you will do fine. It is quite intense and you have to concentrate, just do your best. It is OK if you feel a little “frazzled” afterwards, it soon goes.
        Please let us know how you got on.

        Peter Bunyan
        PSTEC User

          Hi Nick
          Oops! Forgot to mention you will need either earphones, headphones or external speakers. The usual built-in laptop/tablet mobile speakers are not really good enough. The earphones that quite often come with a mobile are OK.

          PSTEC User

            Hi Peter
              Thanks very much for your advice. I will be sure to give this a good try. I'm going on holiday on Friday. So I will let you know how I go when I get back.
              Thanks again.


            PSTEC User

              Hey Nicki and Peter!

              Just a suggestion from someone who had a severe stutter (me).  :)

              Stuttering started for an emotional reason.  Go back and target events around when you started to stutter, and CT those, too.

              You'll be able to handle it.  (I handled mine long before I found PSTEC with breathwork and some inner child work.)

              All the Best! 

              PSTEC User

                Hi DG
                  Glad you got over your stutter. What breathwork did you use?
                  Thanks for the reply and great advice. Memories are rather vague about when I first started stuttering. When I've listened to the non click tracks in the starter package; I'll focus on the anticipatory stress. Also my instincts tell me to relive some of my more embarrassing moments.
                  Would you say I would need to tackle any beliefs around my stuttering?
                  I am very heartened by the early support shown on this forums. Thanks DG and Peter. 8)

                Peter Bunyan
                PSTEC User

                  Nick & DG
                  DG Thanks for contributing with your experience and respect for the work you have put in. In this case as Nick is a beginner with PSTEC I suggested the simplest “front door” approach. If that does not fully clear the problem then other avenues might need to be explored. For example Tim created his Cascade Release therapy after the experience of working with a client with a stuttering problem so perhaps this is another way to go. In any case the Click Tracks are the first tool out of the box to use. Delving back into the past can soon get messy and complicated, if the problem can be resolved without having to do so then everyone is happy.

                  PSTEC User

                    Nick and Peter!

                    It may very well be best, of course, to cede to Peter's practitioner-expertise here.  :)

                    I'll go ahead and share what I did.
                    I used Rebirthing Breathwork and never focused directly on any events around the stuttering, just the general things that created the PTSD I have.  (I was working on the PTSD and the stuttering cleared as a nice side-benefit!)

                    I, too, cannot recall exactly what happened to cause me to start stuttering at 7, but I know it had to do with my dad's alcoholism taking a turn for the worse at that time.  Plus, he was a yeller when drunk.  And one of my brothers could be quite verbally-invalidating of me speaking.  In my case, I feel it may not have been one event, but rather a series of invalidating events.

                    So I guess I, too, sort of “came at it from the front door” and it worked, and fairly quickly!  It's a part of the PTSD that cleared easily–you'll have no problem.  (I had all the same feelings you described–anticipatory fears, etc.)  One day I realized I was no longer stuttering!

                    I think your instincts on what to click on are very good here!  The fears you'll bring up and click on are the same; whether it's from a recent event, future imagined event, or the original causative event.

                    Now I'm an actress and can speak/sing in public, no problem!

                    Do let us know how the clicking goes!

                    PSTEC User

                      DG / Peter
                        Thanks so much, the both of you for your advice. Looking forwards to getting stuck into this.
                        DG the fact that you are now working as an actress is very inspirational. How weird that your father was an alcoholic, so was mine. He stuttered as well, looking back he put a lot of pressure on me to be fluent.
                        Peter, I will focus on the free method first. Although I'm interested in using PSTec for improving m life in all areas. Although I'm going away on holiday on Friday; I'll be giving this a go while I'm away.
                        Thanks again to both of you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

                      PSTEC User

                        Go for it, Nick!

                        Yes, one would not have thought I'd be acting if one saw the former severity of the stutter!  (A lot of actors stutter, or are former stutterers, BTW.  Interesting! :))  LOL!!!  Plus, the ease with which it cleared versus its severity at times is astonishing.

                        Interesting that your dad stuttered and tried to control your speech.

                        The commonality of alcoholic parents (both were, in my case) is VERY easy to find.  Surprisingly so!

                        Enjoy your holiday, and let us know how it goes.

                        To Your Success!

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