Words Are Not Clear

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  • #27930
    Daniel Wynn
    PSTEC User

      Hi Guys

      As the title suggests. I have had and used PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo since it’s first release, but still I can never see words clear. I don’t understand why that is, and I have come to the thought that it actually hinders my success with those tracks. Any idea why it’s happening?

      I know Tim say’s if you can’t see words then just imagine you can, but I feel like I spend most the time focused on NOT seeing the word in my mind and less time actually focusing on seeing the word itself. Any tips for visualising words clearer and making this work more efficiently for me?



      Paul McCabe
      PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

        Hi Daniel,

        Thanks for your post.

        As with all of the PSTEC tools, there are many ways to tackle this, so what I propose here is by no means exhaustive or definitive.

        Firstly, do you tend to encounter problems visualising, or is this unique to the Quantum Turbo tracks?

        If, for instance, you hear about the famous “Hollywood” sign, how do you represent that in your mind? Do you “see” the letters/word, or do you just get a feeling, or do you hear the word?

        As long as you do your best to imagine the words, that is usually sufficicent for the tracks to work. Of course, please ensure you do the other things too: ensure the suggestion is positively attuned, and mouth the words of the suggestion, verbally emphasising the power word each time.

        I have worked with people who are not primarily visual and Quantum Turbo still works very effectively. This is because there are so many psychological elements baked into the tracks that they can compensate for occasional “user error” (which is perfectly OK) and when the tracks have not been followed 100% as per the instructions.

        Crucially, make sure the suggestions you use are about 7-12 words in length and that they both resonate and are believable to you.  This is not a blanket rule, by the way. It can definitely help, however.

        Due to their power, the Quantum Turbo tracks can still bypass “believability”, so play about with this and see it as an experiment. Some suggestions will absolutely “sing” to you, and they may even be “softer” suggestions (e. g. “Maybe I can be very productive today” might resonate more than “Today I will be super-motivated and productive”)

        I just find that even well-crafted suggestions can be fine-tuned to be more personal, impactful and resonant.

        You could also craft a suggestion that allows you to immediately see the power of the tracks.

        Something like:

        “When I use Quantum Turbo, I visualise words so much easier now”


        “After using this Quantum Turbo, I feel a surge of positive energy”


        “I am now starting to feel calmer than before now”

        If you are comfortable sharing some of the suggestions you have already crafted (and run through the PQTs), we could perhaps offer some pointers too, as it could also be helpful for the other forum users.

        I hope this has been helpful.

        I look forward to hearing from you, Daniel.

        Kind Regards,


        Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


        Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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        Daniel Wynn
        PSTEC User

          Hi Paul

          Yes visualisation has been an issue before. The words are there very faintly, but not clear enough. Longer words are even harder for me to see. I spend a while trying to imagine the word in front of me and caught up in that, even more so with longer more complex words.

          With the “Hollywood” sign I think I would just see it in my mind, and hear it too maybe?

          I think I am probably a more “feeling” sort of person, I am always thinking of the ground under my feet, and always going with intuition and my gut.

          I started mouthing the words out to the suggestion, and in my head imagined screaming it out as loud and long as I could until I was almost out of breath. I just kept doing it and it seems to have made more of an impact so I’ll probably continue that way. It also helps that I have feeling with the suggestion, even if its not particularly wholesome or whatever. Just the feeling of how good it would feel for this to actually be true, gives me excitement etc which in turn helps as I am mouthing the words I think. Sometimes It’s like a feeling of determination, that what I am saying will become true for me, and I also think that helps too.

          I tried doing the suggestions like that before.

          I did things like “From now on I see words clearly in my mind” and “The more I use Quantum Turbo the clearer words become” I did try loads of different variations like that in the past but it never really became sustainable.

          Thanks, Daniel

          Paul McCabe
          PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

            Hi Daniel,

            Thanks for your update.

            Once you get used to any of the PSTEC tools (as you clearly are), it is fine to experiment with them or to use them in a way that is more impactful for you.

            Of course, the instructions are important, yet the tracks do have a lot of flexibility.

            On that note, you may wish to write your suggestions down, imagine how they would impact you (or your pattern of thought, behaviour or emotion) and say them out loud about 7 times before running the track.

            This is not part of the instructions, of course. However, it is a very effective way to get into the feeling of the new suggestion(s)… and to see whether it/they might require some editing.

            Hope this helps, Daniel.



            Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner


            Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

            Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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