Reply To: Sex and Libido

shane corr

    [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)]…my libido has still not improved. My Ability to perform has improved.[/color]
    [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)][/color]
    [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)]I will try and explain but I'm not much good at this kind of thing. I noticed after using the PSTEC when I was by myself my erections started to get stronger . It started to feel normal again like it was before all these problems happened but the desire or the sensation of being turned on has not returned. It was like I was forcing myself to do it because I wanted to be able to enjoy sex and prove to myself I can perform. [/color]
    [color=rgb(42, 56, 71)][/color]
    [font=tahoma, sans-serif]What I noticed during the testing of this new me was no anxiety or fear but just wanting to feel the sensation of being turned on. As I'm writing this I've realised I MUST  have some sort of fear/block because when  I didn't feel the sensation of arousal (I should have though because my girlfriend is beautiful) I had doubts that I was going to perform and therefore I failed.[/font]

    [font=tahoma, sans-serif]What I don't understand is why I have not improved in this area (no sensation of being turned on) after eliminating the past fears of my ability to perform. When I do achieve an erection thoughts start to come into my mind  like eg: It doesn't feel the same, it doesn't feel strong, in some cases I can't feel the sensation of getting an erection. [/font]

    [font=tahoma, sans-serif]I imagined that once i eliminated the fears of not performing my sex drive would come back. It hasn't and I've noticed that since i don't have the sensation the old fears are creeping back in.[/font]

    [font=tahoma, sans-serif]I hope I've been able to describe this clearly. I will start implementing your suggestions immediately. [/font]

    [font=tahoma, sans-serif]Thanks again Jeff for your time and advice. It is very much appreciated.[/font]