Reply To: Agoraphobic no more! :D


    Hi Nick,

    I think the approach for me was what I felt comfortable with.
    I mean, if I did clear something and felt that I cleared an emotion,
    then yes I ran a Positive click track, and then sometimes if the
    emotion was high and I could bring it down to almost a 0, then
    I would run a positive track, but that is what worked/s for me.

    I know for me, the more I got into and get into clicking, the more is
    revealed and then you kinda start to “Know” when to run a click track and
    when to run a positive.

    Jeff is awesome!! You should really do a session with him. He is a great guide and yes when you feel like there are many things and don't know quite where to start, a guide and someone, like Jeff, who really understands the in's and out's of PSTEC, is a great idea! :D

    Keep at it and with some guidance I'm sure you'll find how the PSTEC tracks will work for you! :D

    Take care!
    Liz :)

    Hi Liz,

    Thanks for the tips. Just curious about your strategy of running positive click tracks at the end each time,  because I thought Tim/Jeff kind of advised to use the positive click tracks once everything negative that was in the way for a specific issue, was already cleared out..?

    Was this how Jeff told you to do it? Just curious.

    I think I'm going to get a session with Jeff to just plan out how I need to approach my issues, because it feels like there is more than I can take on right now…

    Anyway, thanks again.
