Reply To: My ultimate fear: rejection


    If you create a positive statement the opposite to above for example ” I can have caring loving relationships” does this feel believable to you? If not then there might be still too much resistance for the new positive to work.

    Rating how true that statement is… I'd say it was a 7, which is much better than I would have rated this a month ago. :)  However, I still feel like this statement would take a much better hold if I clicked on a few more issues.

    You wrote the word fear twice in this paragraph.

    Ultimately, it's not about being rejected or abandoned, really, but about the fear of romantic failure. Rejection and abandonment are aspects of romantic failure but I realized that I also fear being stuck in a relationship that will flounder and be devoid of loving interactions and joy… Exactly like my parents' relationship. They're still married but they've both vocalized to me that they do not like each other at all

    This sounds to me like something to Click on. Even though you have been at this a while and you really want to move on with something positive, the fastest way forwards might still be to clear these negative fears first.

    Yes, I feel like if these fears are still around even if they aren't as intense as before. I still have a lot of things to Click on to be honest. I'm finding I have a lot of issues related to my family. Lately I was trying to think about issues that I had in school or between friends, but I end up coming back to early memories of my family instead.