Reply To: Which pstec product should I buy? cant remember past events that shaped me.

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Which pstec product should I buy? cant remember past events that shaped me. Reply To: Which pstec product should I buy? cant remember past events that shaped me.

Andres Leon

    Good afternoon. Ive continued using the 2015 tracks in combination with the free tracks and the wealth of abundance audio. Its weird,the 2015 tracks make me feel much more emotional pain than the free track but, unlike the free tracks, they do not release me of the negative emotions, and im using the 30min track and following the instructions completely. Today for example I did 1 round of the free tracks,then I did the 2015 track and I felt so bad afterwards(super angry and irritable) that I had to do 2 other rounds of the free tracks to calm down. Even after I finished them, I still felt very angry and Irritable,so much that I had to sit and breath in order to calm down. What do you recommend? Should i just ditch the 2015 tracks and use the free tracks? Ive been working very hard on myself and following instructions, so I just want to know what could be happening