Reply To: Need to run negative/positive tracks again? – Questions on best practices

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Need to run negative/positive tracks again? – Questions on best practices Reply To: Need to run negative/positive tracks again? – Questions on best practices

Peter Bunyan

    Hi Scott

    Thanks for your comments.

    If you have not already done so download and listen to Tim's latest tutorial “Mindfulness and PSTEC“. This is several hours of listening and actively taking “notes”. However it is well worth finding the time. Tim explains in easy terms about how the mind works and how to use that information to change your own thinking patterns. PSTEC not required but as ever is a great help and accelerator for change. In this package Tim tells you how to use a cheap, low tech, mobile method to remove negative ways of thinking which can easily be used in conjunction with PSTEC tools.
