Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Brian Tucker

    Hi plus1g,

    I hope you don't mind me asking, but would you be comfortable sharing the other process you used for eliminating beliefs?

    I used psych-k to remove some beliefs in a few sessions as well as their core belief balance. This made a big difference within a week or two.

    I also used a new process called “Stress Busters” that is energy psychology based called Release and Replace – Invented by Energy Psychology practitioner and trainer Linda Davidson, it builds on the advanced EFT-based protocol Matrix Reimprinting developed by Karl Dawson. This helped me a lot with general stress and being a parent. But of course it was limited only to the 14 beliefs in their catalog.

    I wanted to expand more on removing core beliefs and knew I needed to address the negative and the positive – I was looking into EFT tapping – didn't fit the bill, then stumbled across PSTEC. I really dove into researching it and understanding it before I started. The clicking on the emotions is what really pulled me in. I had a full session with Jeff to get me headed in the right direction and here I am.

    I agree that this can be done daily in some aspect and I am moving full steam ahead. I can't begin to imagine where I will be next week. Very exciting!