Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC



    I have actually cut out gluten and sugar as well from my diet. They seem to create various health problems or at least aggravating some issues. About the anchor, I think you are right. I was thinking back and it seems like many of my problems date back to when I was 17. I cannot recall what caused my problems but there sure is something there. Both my hay fever and my myopia originates from that year for example. I am sure there are other issues too which I am not yet aware of.

    Just now I finished a PN session targeting “nothing works”. I had no intent to do this but my sub lead me to target this belief. I have learned the hard way to trust my intuition. Well, I had massive resistance on this belief and that's probably why it has been so difficult for me to CT this issue. I will have to run PN several times to get through this issue. All other beliefs that I have tried PN on has been a breeze. Any suggestions here?

    Thanks again for helping out!
