Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Brian Tucker

    This morning I woke up and about 45 minutes after being awake I had the heavy tiredness/fatigue feeling again. I immediately went to click track it.

    2 x 2015 Click track Medium

    About two minutes in my mind became huge, I felt as if it expanded 100x as the feeling went down to the size of a pinhead. The feeling kept moving around in my body, swirling around if you will as it did before. I kept following on it and holding it no matter where it went. As I did my mind became bigger and bigger as the negative feeling became smaller and smaller. I just kept going on it until it was basically gone.

    I had several deep yawns during the two runs of the tracks. Will keep an eye on this and if it comes back I will hit it again.

    I will say last two days I have needed to rest/nap quite a bit after all this work but I have felt more normal, calm and relaxed in the day to day, more that I have ever felt in my life.