Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages PSTEC Negative: The Belief Eraser Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC Reply To: Fear of confrontation – Help needed – My Journey with PSTEC

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi Plus1g,

    Absolutely superb posts and insights. I wish there was a “like” button!

    I think the PSTEC tracks are crafted in such a way that they help us both weaken beliefs and identify patterns of behaviour and thought.

    It does not surprise me that you are getting these effects, as I believe it is a natural by-product of immersing yourself in this type of work. Immersion makes all the difference. You are reprogramming yourself.

    I think that what is happening is that, as you strip away the unwanted patterns, the “real you” emerges. It is the “you” that you know exists, as you probably had a sense of it at certain peak moments of your life, but could not elicit consistently. To be able to strip away the BS and experience yourself and other people the way you have is a true blessing.

    The work you are doing is changing your experience of life and the people in it. And people pick up on that. It has resonance.  Max Planck said “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” You are living that!

    I have noticed similar experiences myself. Essentially, the effort in separating feelings from events and also using Tim's various modalities can only help to heighten sensory acuity, as well as being anle to cut ourselves some slack and being more forgiving of and empathetic to others.

    Too many little irritations or unwanted emotions we experience in life are suppressed or explained away as “normal.” If you eliminate all irritations, even the “normal” ones that “everyone experiences”, the positive benefits accumulate…and you end up getting annoyed about very little. And then you work.on THAT!

    Like you mention, that really is unlimited power. You are literally creating your experience of life.

    It is a fantastic vibe and people seem to respond well to it. I am excited to discover where this path leads you.


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

    Recreate yourself with PSTEC.

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