Reply To: PSTEC Belief Blasters – Amazing Success Story

Forums Questions on PSTEC Packages Belief Blasters PSTEC Belief Blasters – Amazing Success Story Reply To: PSTEC Belief Blasters – Amazing Success Story


    I wonder how the Belief Blasters will work if I form the sentences in my own language – Norwegian?

    If I say “I was a failure” it is ok, because I understand the meaning, but if I say it in Norwegian “jeg var en fiasko” then i wonder if that would be more powerful?

    I am trying to use these tracks to get rid of the belief that I can never be rich or abundant (I don't know if that is the most important, or if I should consentrate on something else, but that is the thing I think of the most) and I wonder if that is precise enough? Is rich or abundant a floating consept? Is it better to word it more specifically?

    Will PSTEC help me to get the LOA to work to attract money?

    The “I will never get rich” – is that a belief I can turn around and use Belief Blasters. How should I word the past tense? “I could never get rich”?