Reply To: Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster

Forums General Discussions and Specific Issues Confused and Not Sure Where to Start Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster Reply To: Frustration – Tip: The secret feeling to remove first for more freedom faster

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator


    Getting rid of frustration can be a game-changer.

    I recommend focusing on ANY frustration you experience in life – even the “low level” variety that many people assume is “inherent” to certain events.

    Examples that I have noticed in myself and others include:

    – being interrupted repeatedly

    – having to repeat yourself a few times

    – people not “getting” your point of view

    – being ignored

    – things not going the way you had planned

    – traffic jams or waiting to cross the road

    – being stuck in long lines/queues (whether that is when calling a service helpline or waiting at the department store, a concert or an amusement park)

    – making mistakes

    – not understanding things as quickly as you would like

    These are all, in the grand scheme of life, low level. Once you neutralise the frustration from these events, however, it creates so many possibilities and often a profound sense of peace.

    You would have to consciously assess whether you want to eliminate the emotion or whether it is worth keeping.

    Paul  :)

    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

    Please contact me anytime if you want any assistance in utilising PSTEC to help you live a life of tremendous freedom & possibility.

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