Reply To: Women, Rejection and Beauty

Brian Tucker

    A little update…I’ve been running BB tracks like crazy. I feel some relief for awhile then feel bad again.

    I just can’t shake the belief that I’m ugly/not attractive enough…mainly because of my skin (acne scars from when I was younger)

    Try blasting “there was something about me that wasn't attractive” Full credit to Paul McCabe for this type of phrase.

    Also CT any feelings of shame, embarrassment, humiliation on the looks from the past.

    I’ve ran “I was ugly.” “I hated my face.” “I couldn’t love my skin.” “I wasn’t handsome enough.” But these things still feel true to me. Is it like the click tracks where I just keep repeating a BB track until it doesn’t feel true anymore?

    Also, any advice on Belief statements on a specific person? If that can be applied. I’m so caught up on this girl whom I was talking to and that has come to a hault and it’s been really hard to cope.

    I felt like not being good enough/handsome enough for her, she’ll never want me…consumed my mind when we were talking and it became a self-fulfilling procephy as she stopped talking to me and trying to hang out.

    Blast the belief “there was something about me that wasn't good enough”

    Clicktrack any feelings of expectation you have around her to a 1 or 0.

    I’m so discouraged after running a bunch of these beliefs and still feeling the same when I look in the mirror.

    Clicktrack feelings of discouragement around the issue and the feelings of “still feeling the same when I look in the mirror”

    Blast the beliefs “I couldn't change””there was something about me I couldn't change” “nothing ever works out for me”  “nothing ever works for me” “things never get any better”

    If I can’t love myself, I can’t expect her to…(which is where I want to be at the end of this)

    Belief blast “I didn't deserve to be loved” “I wasn't worthy of love” “I couldn't love myself”

    Again changing my perception about my attractiveness seems impossible.

    Belief blast “change was impossible” or “it was impossible for me to change”

    For years I’ve always wished i looked differently…I just count never accept what I see in the mirror. I just can’t accept I could be handsome with my facial flaws.

    Belief blast “I couldn't accept myself” “there was something about me people couldn't accept” “I looked awful in the mirror” “I couldn't accept my flaws” “I was flawed” “I had to be perfect to be loved”

    EDIT: I saw on Brian’s post on the list of Belief statements to blast “pretty girls didn’t like me. And “women wouldn’t have found me attractive.” Could these beliefs contribute to not liking my physical appearance? If I believed the girl I want to be with would find me attractive/want me as I am now…would I still be critical of myself?

    Belief blast: “I had to be perfect to be loved” “I had to be perfect to be wanted”

    Or the right approach is getting to the point of loving what I see in the mirror/feeling handome enough first and then I’d approach the situation more confidently, believing she’d want me?

    I was hoping it would’ve been as simple for me as removing “I was ugly.” And installing “I am handsome enough exactly as I am now.” And then i could go out an get my girl lol.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated…

    Try these positive suggestions:

    Thinking I looked bad was absolutely false now I'm attractive
    I really do look extremely handsome now it's absolutely true
    My looks really are completely safe now it's absolutely true
    I really do feel extremely great about my looks now it's absolutely true
    Women really do want me safely now it's absolutely true
    I really am extremely desirable now it's absolutely true
    I really am extremely attractive now it's absolutely true
    Women really go crazy about the way I look now it's absolutely true
    Women really do love the way I look now it's absolutely true
    Women really do safely love me now it's absolutely true
    Women really do safely want me now it's absolutely true
    I really did completely overcome the way I looked safely now it's absolutely true
    I really did totally conquer how I looked safely now it's absolutely true
    I really am totally beyond the way I looked now it's absolutely true