Reply To: PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo

Brian Tucker

    Thanks very much, Tim.

    Always a pleasure.

    I have enjoyed reading the discussion here and thank you for your clarifications (and the tracks!), Tim.

    For anyone looking at past issues/current patterns and how to use Quantum Turbo, you may wish to consider layering in suggestions like:

    “No matter what happened in the past, I feel good now” (guilt issues)

    “I resolve the past, as the future is brighter”

    “No matter what happens, I'll always find a way”  (resourcefulness)

    “People are drawn to me, as I get better every day”

    “I've always been good enough and now I can relax”

    Obviously, there is no “one size fits all”, but you could certainly layer in suggestions of this nature (or re-word as you see fit) to tip the balance.

    Paul  :D

    Paul these are so helpful and powerful. Thank you. These can also be tweaked to fit into a looping format as Tim seems to be promoting.

    “I'm always good enough as I always feel powerful now.”
    “I'll always find a way no matter what happens now.”

    He suggests about 8-10 words optimal and yes they can be a little cumbersome once the count gets past 10. What I do find personally is that if they are a little longer I need to focus on them a little slower and harder which is always good to really focus on the suggestion.

    Step it up a notch past 10 words hehe

    “I'll always find a way no matter what happens I'll succeed now.”
    “I'm always good enough as I always feel powerful succeeding now.”

    Based on the format someone ed23 mentioned earlier, one for failure/success

    “I'm not going to worry about failing anymore as I always succeed no matter what now”

    This is based on a gold nugget in this recording related to reframing.

    A little long though really getting optimal and a play on Ed23 and Paul's format it could be:

    “I can't fail anymore as I always succeed no matter what now”
    “I always succeed as I can't go wrong anymore now”
    “I always succeed as I can't fail anymore now”