Reply To: PSTEC Positive Quantum Turbo

Paul McCabe
PSTEC Pro and Forum Moderator

    Hi DarekKow,

    Thanks for your post.

    With Quantum Turbo, just keep it simple.

    Pick a suggestion that really affects you positively and is ideally between 8-10 words (7-12 is mentioned in the instructions, so you could stretch it to 12, if necessary)

    As I don't know which suggestions you have run on the issue that hasn't shifted, I'm not sure whether this might have had an impact. If you would prefer not to share that, please feel free to PM or email me and we can brainstorm it.

    As for the track itself, once you do one power word and have seen the suggestion, you just do the suggestion again and emphasise/move on to the next power word.

    Repeat the suggestion until the track ends.

    For example, if the suggestion was “At the interview tomorrow, I will be completely relaxed and confident”, you might want to run it like:

    AT the interview tomorrow, I will be completely relaxed and confident”

    “At THE interview tomorrow, I will be completely relaxed and confident”

    “”At the INTERVIEW tomorrow, I will be completely relaxed and confident”

    and so forth.

    So, essentially you are running the same suggestion and seeing the power word in big letters and emphasising it – feel free to mouth the suggestion (the emphasis on the power word helps illustrate the effect).

    Most likely, you will already have half an ear on what Tim says, so that will take care of itself.

    Hope that helps.

    If it's not clear, please let me know.

    All the best,


    Paul McCabe – PSTEC Master Practitioner

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